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Ilka Hilton-Clarke |
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Yuh does bawl " wi fout!" or " Oh gorm!" when yuh tired or cyah tink of nuttin else to say.
When you see one of your friends, you ask " Wuz de scene?" or " Wham now?" instead of how are you?
When you 'fly out' ( go abroad ) to the US, the only state you visit is Miami and the only reason why you go is to shop for clothes.
When somebody 'mashes yuh Clarks'(shoes)it gives you a perfect reason to start ah fight
Yuh does always go for ashes on Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday yuh go Maracas and yuh must meet people yuh know
Yuh does buy an expensive bath suit and never get it wet. Yuh does roll around in the sand hoping to attract ah man.
Yuh does wear anything that in style, and no matter how bad yuh look yuh friends will never tell you.
Yuh talk about how much fete yuh went to for carnival with yuh friend, when yuh never even leave yuh house.
Yuh know what "gimme a red" stands for.
If somthing cost $xx.99cents you wait for the cent.
Anytime yuh neighbour fowl cock taking ah stroll in yuh yard, ah true trini will cut he troat and call he friends and buy ah bottle ah puncheon and ah pack ah dumuria and call that ah
fete like dey say
You know what saltprunes are...
You say "ah telling yuh"... even if someone else is the one who's telling you what happened...
You know what "ah hop a drop" means..
One of your relatives drives a maxi-taxi..
You ever got licks with a rollin'-pin, a swizzle-stick, or a pot-spoon.
Your kids know all of the words to Machel Montano's latest song, but they don't know their multiplication tables..
Every Sunday you have "Sunday Lunch" which consists of macaroni pie, calaloo with crab, stewed chicken, plantain, dasheen...
You say "ah goin' down de road" even if you're going very far..
When someone says How are you... you say you "poke ah poke"..
You ever got licks as a child for not saying Good Morning", "Good Evening", or "Good Night" to everyone in the house...
yuh put ah hood ornament on yuh car (angel with lighted wings) cause yuh tink it look cool.
Yuh badtalk someone when dey back turn but yuh say yuh was only giving them fatigue.
yuh know how to to make choka with anything potato, tomato,bigan...
yuh know how to eat greens (watercress)
yuh know what Hops bread is.
yuh know about Guniness stout, Sea moss (Irish moss) and black cake and yuh not even Irish.
You have a rosary on your rear view mirror.
You can talk in any accent of any country to foreigners(or try to) but automatically switch back to a trini accent if yuh meet another trini.
You return from New York and wear a New York t-shirt and cap and yuh talk Yankee.
You waiting in the airport to see the plane take off, then you pleased .
You go to funerals to come back home and tell how much the family bawl. And how the dead look .
You think taking a bath by the stand pipe is normal .
You think picking the neighbour's fruits is expected .
Wear thick black stylish jacket to go lime down town and it blazing hot.
You think Guardian paper is an all purpose paper : for reading , wiping windows and replacing toilet paper.
You put Pepper sauce first thing on pizza.
Your trousers short ,we say if you expecting flood .
Someone blocks you , you don't say excuse meh , you ask "Is your father a Glass Maker ?"
You call a fart a PUM.
yuh stop in the middle of the road to talk to somebody at least once an doah care who waiting behind yuh
yuh always say somebody 'bad drive me dey' even if it is yuh who do the bad driving
yuh have driven in a taxi in which the driver hangs his hand outta d window
yuh get lost driving to someplace and yuh don't admit it
yuh have gone to Maracas and eaten pelau out of the back of your car
yuh say 'aye' but do not know the meaning of it
yuh 'bad talk' somebody at least 5 times
yuh call Port of Spain 'town' when it is really a city
yuh have gone down Chaguanas to lime @ least once.
you know that wine is not a drink, it is a circular motion of the midsection
you know that people don't eat bananas fresh, they boil them
you call a banana a fig
you know the meaning of dd (dine and dash)
you could fete in the midst of a disaster
yuh does still bathe with blue soap
You know the meaning of:
Is nuh one time monkey does want wife
Ketch yuh falling feathers
Is tie she tie the man
Oh Gosh( whichcould mean several things):-Ah feeling sweet,doh bother me,he
wicked eh,hurry up nuh man,and so on and so forth.
dem is six in one ,half a dozen ah the other
the first news paper yuh buy is a Punch or Blast.
yuh discuss yuh neighbour's buisness by de standpipe.
wednesday is your official liming day at Caura river i.e for public servants.
yuh is private sector employee and kissing the borse behind is the routine of de day especially if yuh sell insurance or wuk in de bank.
yuh know who horning who, for how long
yuh does wuk obeah to get a man.
yuh does pay an obeahman $300.00 to bathe yuh blight away.
yuh sister had an inter-racial relationship
yuh does hide from jehova witnesses.
yuh go by family (in-laws) over de holidays and yuh only take food in small amounts (at different times and locations and if yuh add it up yuh probably eat dem out), because yuh fraid of big eye.
yuh know what a swiper an' crookstick for.
yuh been to stick fighting
Yuh name is Maria Catharina Henry, but everybody call yuh Theresa Williams (this will be in the death announcement in de papers: Died: Henry, Maria Catharina, better known as Theresa Williams )
yuh pronounce Miami as May-a-mee, Canada as Cyanada, New York as Nee York
yuh put on de accent of the country you are visitin
yuh always have something to complaint about
yuh say a beer is a Carib
yuh never pronounce THs or INGs
history | dictionary | pictures trinidad | pictures tobago | snakes | flu | tips | ali in trinidad | rum and coca cola |
| cookbook | yuh is ah trini if | folklore | superstition | play weh # | artists | writers |