Contributed by "redtrini" in Boston
- You steups at every possible ting, even though the situation has nothing to do wit you.
- When ya go out to fete yuh does carry vex money jus' in case yuh friend want to get on....
Contributed by Mr. Ouch
yuh ever had a pyol girlfren'/boyfren'
Yuh remember Lock Joint !
Yuh thought "Taxi Driver' was a detective movie ,an' yuh saw it 'tree times.
Yuh have a fren' or relative in Carrera or Golden Grove,
Yuh does drive PH at Christmas time..
Yuh can read Taxi driver han' signals on Independence Square..like "Diego by two".
Yuh went to a Fete in Curepe in yuh own car, and lan' up in Siparia, wid no car an' wid' an ugly woman.
Some relative is ah Police.
every sentence mus' have two or tree 'tings' in it..
Yuh still have a Polyester Suit,for Church and weddings an 'ting.
Yuh know someone who still drives an Austin Cambridge.
Contributed by Halcian Pierre
You try to cross the road without paying attention to either the traffic lights or the cars coming at you 30 miles per hour.
You walk in the middle of the road during traffic and yell: "Well bounce mih nah!" when the car comes speeding towards you.
You know what a Bull Pistle is.
You know somneone who actually got "licks" (a beating)with a Bull Pistle. ( A Bull Pistle is a whip made from the skin of a bull's penis, and is famous for inflicting the most painful lashes ever imagined.)
You have ever made "chow", a combination of half-ripe mangoes, sliced in a mixture of salt, lime, hot pepper and garlic, when you couldn't wait for the mangoes to get ripe.
You actually made chow with something other than half-ripe mangoes. (Like oranges or pomeracs).
You have gotten "shittings" (diarrhoea) from that experimental chow.
Contributed by Carty Bowen
Yuh is a girl and yuh doh leave de house until yuh hair jus' right so de other girls doh make fun of yuh.
Yuh wearing the latest NIKE shoes even though yuh mommy/daddy has to give yuh the money.
Yuh still using coconut oil in yuh hair & on yuh skin.
- Yuh still using "bush" medicine and/or Bengue's Balsam when yuh have a cold.
Contributed by Westley Rampersad
- Yuh want to settle yuh differences with a) ah beer bottle, b) ah big stone, c) ah cutlass
Contributed by Deborah Dos Ramos
You call "chewing gum" : "tring gum"
You call a bottle cap is a"croncork" ( crown cork )
You still call your mother, "mammy" or "mudder"
You pronounce "theatre" meaning the cinema as "tee-air-ta".
If you hear some bad news you cry "murder".
You say "whamtoyou nah"? instead of "what happen to you" or "what is the matter with you"?
Contributed by Michelle St John
- You have cow heel soup every Saturday (rain or shine )
Contributed by Lynn Hayes
u and your 10 liming padners smoking one du maurier cigg
u and your pardners go to the beach to make ah cook ah another padner with he friends come and eat and drink out all the food and rum.
u and your padner gone liming he start ah fite and u dissapear into thin air.
u have a padner who never have money but he always in the lime.
u have a padner who always getting licks from he wife every time he go liming and spend out he money.
u have ah padner who giving you ah duck to make ah cook since last year but the duck still young
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